A Surfer’s Dream
A short film inspired by a journal entry, written on the first day of summer.
Palm leaves sway amongst the light off shore breeze, accompanied by birds and cicada’s singing amongst the trees.
The rain forest was so dense that we could only see a slight peak-age of waves, but that was enough for us to chuck on our boardies then we were on our way!
We were soon greeted by the local dolphins who welcomed us with some playful flips and party waves. Gliding along the gentle face, it provided us with that hit of thrill every surfer craves.
The morning continued on, with swell picking up and winds remaining tame, a few hours passed until anyone else came.
Two best friends, a tropical cove with beautiful waves and not another soul in sight.
A surfer's dream.
Wearing New Season Range by Inner Relm Check it out HERE
Words by
Poppy Fisher & Chloe Konstek
Poppy, Luka & Max
Photographer/ Filmer
Chloe Konstek